Week 8 | Nanotechnology + Art
Nanotechnology has always been an elusive subject to me. The first thing that would come to mind when I heard about nanotechnology was tiny computer parts. This is not entirely incorrect, but it certainly does not encompass all that nanotechnology is. The impact of this “new science” extends to fields such as chemistry, engineering, computing, communications, food science, and art. (Vesna) After reading "The Nanomeme Syndrome", I realized the reason I have trouble visualizing what nanotechnology is, is because it is inherently hard to do so. (Gimzeski and Vesna) How do you make sense of what you cannot see? In the PBS documentary, “Making Stuff: Smaller”, Frances Ross uses pizza as a metaphor to help people visualize nanowires, which are transistors that are layered vertically to prevent short circuiting. Creating tangible analogies like these will combat the problems that may arise when trying to visualize nanotechnology as Vesna suggests. From Huan Meng'...